Do you ever feel like you aren’t good enough (or don’t know enough, or aren’t doing enough in your business) to be successful?
Welcome to the party, imposter syndrome, so glad you could make it. (NOT).
Today I want to explore imposter syndrome through the lens of Human Design—particularly, through your Human Design Profile.
If you don’t know your Profile, click here to get your free chart and find out. It will consist of two numbers that range from 1-6, separated by a slash (/). For example, mine is 4/1.
Below I’ve listed some of the ways imposter syndrome might show up for you based on the numbers in your Human Design Profile. Then I share some powerful re-frames and mantras for each number to help you overcome imposter syndrome. Ready?

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome with Human Design
If you have a 1 in your Profile
You might experience imposter syndrome based on a (perceived) lack of knowledge or preparation. For example, the voice in your head might be saying things like:
- “There are so many other people who know way more than I do about this topic, why would anyone want to work with/learn from me?”
- “Once I get my certification, then I’ll be ready to start putting myself out there more.”
- “Once I’m more well-versed in this area, then I’ll be ready to take clients or create an offer.”
The Re-Frame
While it is important for you to have a foundation of knowledge in your area of expertise, that doesn’t mean you have to be a walking encyclopedia. Here are some words to remind yourself of when imposter syndrome starts creeping in:
“I don’t have to know everything there possibly is to know about my niche in order to be successful. When I show up and share what I do know, I have the potential to change lives. I know more than enough to help my community, and I’m always learning, growing, and improving my skills to serve them even better.”
If you have a 2 in your Profile…
You might feel like the work you do is easy, or that it’s something everyone knows how to do. The voice of imposter syndrome for you might sound something like:
- “Why would anyone pay me to do this when it’s not all that hard?”
- “Doing this kind of work is easy and fun for me… I couldn’t possibly charge for it. That feels wrong.”
- “I don’t have any formal training or education in this area. Why would anyone want to hire/learn from me?”
The Re-Frame
Try these words on instead:
“The things that come naturally to me are not easy, natural, or intuitive for others. Just because something is easy for me doesn’t mean I’m not providing immense value to my people. I deserve to be well-paid for my natural gifts, knowledge, and skills.”
If you have a 3 or 6 in your Profile
Imposter syndrome may stem from feeling like you don’t have it “together” enough to be an expert or authority. You might have thoughts like:
- “I’m far from perfect. I make mistakes all the time. Why would anyone want to work with/learn from me? ”
- “I’m learning as I go, just like everyone else. What makes me an expert?”
The Re-Frame
Your wisdom comes from experience. You are someone who’s been through sh*t and come out the other side—and you learned a TON along the way. People want to hear about your journey, and they love learning from someone who’s been in their shoes.
Your new mantra is: “My experiential wisdom is a gift to others. When I share my story and the lessons I’ve learned along the way, I provide immense value to my clients, customers, and community. I don’t have to be perfect in order to make a positive impact.”
If you have a 4 in your Profile
You might feel like opportunities only come your way because you have some sort of relationship with the person who’s inviting you or asking you to collaborate/work with them.
For example, maybe you’re invited to speak at a virtual summit, but instead of being excited about it, you think, “Oh, she’s only inviting me because we’re friends, not because I actually have anything of value to share.” Cue the imposter syndrome.
The Re-Frame
This is exactly how you are meant to share your gifts, knowledge, and expertise with the world—through invites and opportunities that come through your network. In fact, you’re the type of person who probably doesn’t feel super comfortable accepting invites from people you’ve never talked to before.
Here’s your new mantra:
“Networking and relationship-building are my superpowers. Opportunities that come to me through my friendships and network are 100% aligned and authentic for me.”
If you have a 5 in your Profile
You might feel like people see things in you that aren’t really there, or you may feel like an imposter when someone brings you a problem that you don’t know how to solve.
The Re-Frame
You are not here to be everything to everyone, and you don’t always have to be the one who rides in to save the day.
Say it with me:
“I am not here to be everything to everyone. I am not responsible for other people’s lives, choices, or success—only my own. When I provide practical or innovative solutions to problems that I feel equipped to solve, I am making a valuable contribution to the world and I deserve to be paid for it.”
Did this resonate with you?
Keep in mind this list is (unfortunately) not all-inclusive. Imposter syndrome is a sneaky little bugger that can show up in so many ways,
If you made it this far, I’d love to hear from you:
Did this resonate? What other ways does imposter syndrome show up for you? And how do you work to overcome it?
If you’re interested in using Human Design as a tool in your coaching practice (for example, to help your clients overcome imposter syndrome), check out my free 30-page Coaching by Design e-book and the full Human Design for Coaches training program.

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