let's be honest

Human Design is like, mega confusing.

You want your clients to experience the magic of HD, but you don't have the time, energy, or brain space to learn the entire system yourself right now. What's a girl to do?

Learning about your own Design changed your life, and you know it will change the game for your clients, too.

You understand your own Design pretty well. But interpreting your clients' charts? That's a different story.

The terminology? → Confusing.

The level of detail? → Overwhelming.

Trying to weave it all together in a way that makes sense and is actually useful to your clients? → Hard af.

But still, you aren't giving up on Human Design just yet.

Sure, You Know Some Human Design Stuff

There are billions of different ways your client’s chart can come together.

fun fact:

With 5 Energy Types, 9 Energy Centers, 12 Profiles, 36 Channels, 64 Gates, 192 Incarnation Crosses... the number of potential combinations is endless.

So how on earth are you supposed to memorize all the different possibilities?!

Good news, friend: I've spent years studying, experimenting, practicing, and embodying the Human Design system so that you don't have to. 😉

Just like no two people are alike, no two BodyGraphs are alike, either.


Hey Coach, Hey!

Meet Your New Human Design Guest Expert 👋

Forget about spending years (and some serious cash) trying to learn Human Design yourself. Allow me to create a completely customized masterclass, module, or set of personalized readings to meet your clients exactly where they’re at.

Yes, please!

no. of years teaching online

no. of happy students served

no. of hours spent studying hd


the limit
does not exist

the limit does not exist




Guest Teaching 411

What’s Included:

+ kick-off collaborative brainstorming sesh

+ completely customized workshop or module

+ downloadable slide deck for your clients

I've spent close to $10,000 learning Human Design so that you don't have to. Pricing for Guest Teaching begins at just $300.

start the process →

+ lifetime, unlimited access to the training(s)

here's what jenny had to say about working with me:

“Krista’s readings didn’t feel cookie cutter at all, which can definitely be the case with other Human Design readings.”

"I recently brought Krista into one of my coaching programs to provide personalized readings for my clients, and not only were the readings well organized and highly detailed, but she also took the time to understand what my clients needed most given what they were working on in the program.

Her expertise is highly valuable and highly recommended if you’re looking to take your coaching or online courses to the next level with Human Design and want a trusted expert to help you!"

Jenny Paul, Transformational Business Coach
Jenny Paul,
Business Coach

trusted by

my guarantee is simple:

If You Aren’t 100% Happy, You Don’t Pay

Although I've never had a client request a refund before, I still gladly keep this policy in place because I want you to be fully confident in your decision to partner up with me—knowing that no matter what happens, you're fully covered.


I'm Krista Dickson: Guest Teacher,
4/1 Projector, and Certified HD Reader

My zone of genius is making Human Design feel simple and practical. 

I've been teaching online since 2016, and after serving more than 10,000 students, I've become known for my ability to make complex concepts—like Human Design—feel uncomplicated. One of my all-time favorite things? Partnering up with amazing coaches like you to bring the magic of HD to their clients or community.

let's team up

you and i are a match made in heaven if:

but this probs isn't a good fit for you if:

✅  Your clients are interested in Human Design, or at least open to hearing about it

✅  You know there's no one-size-fits-all formula for success, and you encourage flexibility in how your clients create results

✅  You're looking to bring a Human Design expert into your program in the next 3 months 

❌  Your clients want to replicate your exact results by taking the exact same steps you took

❌  You teach a method that doesn't have room for flexibility and making adjustments based on a client's unique strengths and disposition

❌  You're looking for a Human Design training pronto (I'm often booking at least 3-4 weeks out)

Is this right for you?

What Others Have Asked

“What niches do you cover?”

Human design can be applied to just about every niche imaginable, from marketing to parenting to manifestation and beyond. Not sure about your niche? Let's chat.



“Do you offer private readings?”

Yes. if you feel your clients would be best supported by 1:1 guidance, I can provide group or solo Human Design readings.


“Can I hire you for ongoing support?”

Absolutely. If you want to go deeper than a one-off training, I'd love to be the resident Human Design expert inside your program or container.


“Do you offer payment plans?”

Yes. For larger projects, we can set up a custom payment plan that fits within your budget, and on a schedule that works for you.

From here, you have a few options...

Human Design changed your life, and you know it will do the same for your clients.

Invest $10,000

You *could* join a Certification Program (which involves a LOT of cash and several years of your life) and learn the entire Human Design system yourself.

The Bootstrap Method

You *could* continue piecing together your HD knowledge one random podcast episode and blog post at a time (*ahem* how’s that been going for ya?)

Partner with an Expert

OR you could bring in a trusted Human Design expert to serve your clients—and then sit back and relax while I handle all the HD stuff for you. 😎

Option c:

Option A:

Option B:

here's the way i see it:

Ready to pass the ball off to me?

Here’s What You Get
When We Partner Up:

+ kick-off brainstorming session

+ completely customized hd training

+ downloadable pdf's for your clients

*Note: Due to the level of detail I include in these trainings, I currently only accept one client per quarter.

let's do this! →

+ lifetime, unlimited access to the training