hey there, coach!

Meet Your New Secret Weapon for Client Transformation

Learn Human Design—*without* the overwhelm—and use it to make your coaching more personalized, powerful, and profitable.

You know Human Design will change the game for your clients.

The only problem is that it’s basically impossible to figure out the system on your own (not for lack of trying).

I get it. When I saw my BodyGraph for the first time. I took one glance, felt my brain melt 🤯, and immediately closed the browser tab.

Six years later, things have come full circle. I now teach Human Design—in a way that’s easy to understand, jargon-free, and most importantly, practical. My favorite thing ever? Partnering up with coaches like you to bring the magic of Human Design to their clients and communities.

Here’s a peek at my journey so far...

Top: Mama mode with my mini Right: My travel era circa 2017
Left: My first ever biz photo shoot


Started my first blog and YouTube channel


Graduated with my Bachelor's Degree

still rockin' & rollin' 😎

Human Design for Coaches was born!


Quit my job to work on my biz full-time


Cross-country RV trip funded by my biz


Surprise of a lifetime! I'm pregnant 👶

nov '20

Became a mom and everything changed...

dec '20

Enrolled in an HD Certification

oct '21

Launched the Soul and Sage brand

jan '22

the super OFicial BIO

Krista Dickson is a 4/1 Projector, Human Design Educator, and toddler mom. She’s been teaching online since before IG Stories were a thing (#ancient) and has been trusted by industry experts like Ashton Smith of The Awakening, Katy Stuart, and Jenny Paul.

no. of online classes created

no. of happy students served

no. of hours spent studying hd


the limit
does not exist






my 3-phase system for hd mastery


Education: First we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty details by exploring every piece of the HD puzzle, from Types to Channels and beyond.


Integration: Next it’s time to embody and integrate your new knowledge while learning to interpret your clients’ charts holistically.


Application: Finally, we’ll weave Human Design into your business to transform your coaching containers, sessions, and marketing.

yes i need this!

Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the *truly* important things.


astrology big 3

Cancer ☀️ Libra ↑ Aquarius 🌙

celeb i'd love to meet

Keanu Reeves

Guilty pleasure

Reading HP fan-fiction

hogwarts house


favorite place i've been:


drink of choice

Mojito 🍹

can't live without

My journal

usually craving

All the sweet things

beach vs mountains

Both, please

favorite show to binge

Lately, Survivor!

learn more

Use Human Design to create content that captivates, connects, and converts into dreamy clients sliding into your DMs asking how they can work with you.

Elevate My Marketing

let's do it!

Let's team up to bring Human Design to your clients, students, or community with a completely customized guest expert training created by yours truly.

Hire Krista to Teach

teach me!

Join the only HD training program created exclusively for online coaches who want to use Human Design to make their work more personalized and impactful.

Learn Human Design

Where to next, coach?