Human Design educator, podcast host, and founder of Soul + Sage

Krista Dickson

Krista Dickson is a Human Design expert, online educator, and the creator of the Human Design for Coaches program.

After serving more than 10,000 students over the last 8+ years, Krista has become known for her ability to make complex concepts—like Human Design—feel simple and uncomplicated.

# of years teaching online

# of happy students served

# of hours spent studying hd


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does not exist

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  • How to use Human Design to attract more aligned clients into your coaching business
  • Magnetic content creation based on your Human Design
  • How to personalize your coaching with Human Design so you can stand out in your industry

Want to know what Krista can speak about on your podcast, blog, or inside your programs? Here's just a peek at some of the topics she can cover!

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Ready to inquire about having Krista feature on your podcast, blog, or in one of your programs?

Send an email to Krista at: and let's chat about a collaboration!