
Your Biggest Superpowers as a Generator Coach

Your biggest superpowers as a Generator coach

July 20, 2023

Hey! I’m Krista.
Human Design Reader, Harry Potter fan-fic lover, and 4/1 Projector who's obsessed with helping you make your coaching more powerful, personalized, and profitable.
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 Hey, Generator coach! Wondering what your biggest natural gifts and strengths are?

Let’s talk about six of your superpowers as a Generator. 👇

Your Superpowers as a Generator Coach

1. Creativity + building new things

Generators are called the “Great Builders” of the world. As a Generator, you’re here to bring new things to life. You are naturally creative and you have the energy and endurance to build something from start to finish.

This is a big gift when growing your coaching business, as you can be a prolific creator on your chosen content marketing platforms (email, social media, a blog, etc.). You can also help your clients map out the new things they want to create in their own lives and energize them to take action to make it all happen.

2. Mastery and refinement of skills

As a Generator, you go through an ongoing process of learning, practicing, and refining your skills. This applies to both your skills as a coach and also to whatever specific coaching industry you’re in. So for example, if you’re a health coach, you’re someone who can master your knowledge and skills in the health and wellness industry.

No other Energy Type achieves mastery quite the same way you do as a Generator! You become a true expert at your craft, and you inspire your clients to strive for the same level of mastery and dedication.

3. Methodical nature

I would bet you love a good step-by-step process. You like to lay out all the steps and then work diligently from step one, to step two, to step three, all the way to the last step and thus successfully completing whatever project or task you’re working on.

This is a big gift as an entrepreneur because it allows you to see a task through to the end. You can also share your own step-by-step methods with your clients or even help them create their own.

However, sometimes you might find that you start to lose a bit of steam as you’re working through a set of steps. This is called the Generator “plateau” in Human Design. If you ever reach a point where you feel like your energy just isn’t there anymore, this isn’t always a sign that you should give up.

A lot of the time, hitting an energetic plateau simply means you need to check back in with your Sacral Center. As a Generator, your Sacral Center is your life-force. The yes response you feel in your gut (aka in your Sacral Center) is what turns on your power and energy.

So if you find yourself plateau-ing, you may just need to go back to whatever it was that initially gave you that “Yes!” feeling in your gut. Chances are, as long as it’s still aligned for you, you’ll get that same “Yes!” feeling again and be re-energized to continue working.

4. High level of energy + endurance

Generators are the worker bees of the world!

You are one of the only Energy Types (along with Mani-Gens) that can energetically sustain a 40-hour work week (although you don’t have to work 40 hours/week if that isn’t aligned for you).

Anyone with an undefined Sacral Center—so Projectors, Manifestors, or Reflectors—isn’t designed to work 40 hours/week every week. So this sustainable level of energy is a huge gift that of yours.

As a Generator coach, you might be able to facilitate a lot of coaching calls with your clients in one single day. You might even be able to do back-to-back calls and feel really good and energized with that type of schedule.

You may be able to work with a lot of clients at one time because you have the energy to be working often. As long as—and this is the most important part—you’re doing work that you love. If you’re working at a dead-end corporate job that you hate, your energy is not going to be there.

5. Your presence energizes others

Ever wonder why you’re called a “Generator”? It’s because you literally generate energy from within, and you can then share that energy with the people around you (specifically with people who don’t have a defined Sacral Center like you do).

When you’re doing things you love, things that light you up, things that are a “Yes!” in your gut—this is when and how you generate energy that other people can pick up on and use.

6. Warm, welcoming, magnetic energy

This is the nature of your aura as a Generator. You have a very open, inviting, and welcoming aura. And because of that, you magnetize things to you all the time.

Your aura is constantly drawing in experiences, people, opportunities, objects, conversations, anything and everything. And you then get to respond to each of those things with your Sacral yes/no response.

There you go, my Generator friend! Those are six of your biggest superpowers as a Generator coach.

Click the links below to check out the other posts in this series:

🔥 Your Superpowers as a Manifestor Coach

🦉 Your Superpowers as a Projector Coach

🧲 Your Superpowers as a Mani-Gen Coach

🪞 Your Superpowers as a Reflector Coach

Learn how to create powerful, impactful, profitable content as a Generator coach inside the Magnetic Content Blueprint. ⬇️

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