
Your Biggest Superpowers as a Projector Coach

Biggest Superpowers as a Projector

July 20, 2023

Hey! I’m Krista.
Human Design Reader, Harry Potter fan-fic lover, and 4/1 Projector who's obsessed with helping you make your coaching more powerful, personalized, and profitable.
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Hey, Projector coach! Wondering what your biggest strengths and superpowers are?

Projectors are natural guides with deep insights and wisdom to share with the world. When you embrace your innate gifts, energy, and purpose as a Projector, growing your coaching business suddenly feels a whole lot more fun and flowy.

So, what are your biggest strengths? Here are 6 of your superpowers as a Projector coach. 👇

Your Biggest Superpowers as a Projector Coach | Human Design for Coaches with Soul & Sage

Your Superpowers as a Projector Coach

1. Seeing and understanding your clients deeply

You are somebody who just knows things about other people. You truly see your clients, and you might even understand them more deeply than they understand themselves.

Projectors have what’s called a “penetrating aura” in Human Design, which allows you to “see” and feel right into the core of a person. You might not be able to explain how you know things about other people (like about your clients); you just do. You know what they struggle with, what they’re feeling and thinking, who they are, who they want to become, and how they can get there.

2. Recognizing your client’s gifts

As a Projector myself, I can attest to this being one of my natural gifts. I love looking at my friends and clients and seeing what makes them so special, unique, and magical.

It’s natural for me to notice and then point out those things to other people — when invited to do so, of course! Because Projectors are meant to wait to be invited before sharing their insights and advice with other people (that’s the Projector’s Strategy in Human Design).

3. Managing + directing other people’s energy

Not only do you recognize other people’s gifts, but you also know how people can use their gifts and energy most efficiently. For this reason, Projectors make really great team leaders, managers, and project managers. They know how to put people in the right roles to maximize their gifts, and to steward those gifts.

As a Projector, you can look at a team or group and say, “Okay, this person is really great at this particular thing. So I’m going to put them in that specific role or I’m going to assign them this project or task, because that’s where they’re going to thrive and contribute the most.”

This is a huge gift when coaching your clients. You not only can see what their biggest gifts are, but you can help them in capitalize on and maximize their gifts, which in turn helps them make progress towards their goals in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

4. Productivity + Time Management

As a Projector, you’re productive, efficient, and have great time management skills. This isn’t something you necessarily have had to work on or learn from someone else, it probably has come naturally to you from a young age.

A Personal Example…

As a Projector, I’ve created tons of systems in my business and life to save time.

For example, about a year ago I was getting really annoyed that every single week I had to sit down and create a meal plan from scratch, and then make a grocery list and order our groceries for the week. It felt like it was taking more time than I wanted it to, and I was doing essentially the same steps every single time, just with different meals and food items.

So one day I sat down and thought, “How can I make this easier? How can I get this done faster and in a more efficient way?”

And what I ended up doing was creating a Master List of 20 or so dinner recipes that we like and eat often, and then a Master List of groceries that we order regularly. I then designed a Weekly Meal Plan template where I can write down each family member’s lunches, breakfasts, etc for the week.

I also found two local grocery stores that I can order online from, and they each have a section on their website where I can see my most purchased items from past orders. So I can go in there and literally just tick tick, tick, tick off the items we order basically every week (bread, milk, etc.)

With this new system in place, it takes me less than 30 minutes/week to create our entire meal plan, grocery list, and to place the order. Which is much faster and way less tedious than it used to be!

Now, this example obviously isn’t related to the coaching industry (unless you’re a health or nutrition coach, I suppose) but I’m sure you can think of specific examples in your own business/niche where you’ve created systems to make things more productive or efficient. Can you share those systems with your clients? Or help them create and implement the perfect systems for them?

5. Seeing the Bigger Picture

When I think of Projectors, I think of a wise owl sitting high up in a tree looking down on everything. Because that’s the viewpoint Projectors have. Instead of being down on ground level or in the trenches, as a Projector you’re able to pull back and see the bigger picture.

For example, let’s say you’re a business coach. You’re able to step back and look at your client’s entire business, not just one piece at a time. You can see the entire ecosystem and how everything fits together.

And because you’re not down in the trenches like your clients are, you can give them the exact advice and guidance they really need to overcome obstacles and make progress. You can point out where they need to shift things, what changes they can make, and suggest strategies that might work for them based on the overall picture of their business rather than one single piece.

6. Sensitivity to Your Client’s Energies

The Projector’s aura is penetrating, and as a Projector, you’re absorbing energy from the people around you all the time. As you experience or ‘taste’ their energy via the intermingling of your auras, you get a lot of insights into other people. You can sense how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking, who they are.

A Personal Example

We all absorb and amplify energy from other people through our undefined Energy Centers, Gates, and Channels, whether we are Projectors or a different Energy Type.

In my own BodyGraph, I have seven undefined Energy Centers out of nine. For example, I have an undefined Solar Plexus, and the Solar Plexus governs emotions, moods, and passion. So when I’m near someone with a defined Solar Plexus, like my daughter, I pick up on her emotional energy. And not only do I pick up on it, I amplify it! So if she’s frustrated, I feel that frustration and it’s amplified in my body.

Depending on where you have openness in your Design, you’re going to pick up on different kinds of energy from other people. And this is a gift, because it helps you understand the people around you even more deeply.

However, this gift also requires having strong energetic boundaries in place. As a Projector especially, you must learn to recognize which energies are yours vs. which you’re picking up from other people.

I strongly recommend having rituals or practices that help you release any not-self energies you absorb from others throughout the day. One thing that works well for me is water rituals, like taking a bath or shower, or going for a walk by the beach.

So there you have it, friend! Those are six of your biggest superpowers as a Projector coach.

You are a naturally wise, insightful, omniscient guide for your clients; someone who sees the big picture and knows how to make things more efficient and streamlined.

Click on any of the links below to explore the other posts in this series:

🔥 Manifestor Coach Superpowers

🎨 Generator Coach Superpowers

🧲 Mani-Gen Coach Superpowers

🪞 Reflector Coach Superpowers

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I'm Krista Dickson, Human Design Educator and Founder of Soul + Sage

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