
Your Biggest Superpowers as a Manifestor Coach

Your Superpowers as a Manifestor Coach

July 20, 2023

Hey! I’m Krista.
Human Design Reader, Harry Potter fan-fic lover, and 4/1 Projector who's obsessed with helping you make your coaching more powerful, personalized, and profitable.
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Hey, Manifestor coach! Wondering what are your biggest strengths and superpowers are?

Manifestors are here to be leaders, the innovative visionaries who help bring new things to life. When you embrace your natural energy, gifts, and purpose as a Manifestor, you elevate your coaching skills while effortlessly attracting your dreamiest clients—the ones who are meant to be served by you and your gifts.

Scroll down to learn six of your biggest superpowers as a Manifestor coach. 👇

Your Biggest Superpowers as a Manifestor Coach - Soul & Sage

Your Superpowers as a Manifestor Coach

1. Initiating

Your role in the collective is to receive “divine downloads” — creative urges or visions for things that you want to bring to life. But rather than being the person who does every single step along the way to bring that vision fully to life, your role is solely the initiating step. You’re here to get the ball rolling.

By sharing your big ideas and vision, you provide the spark that will then bring about something new. You are the only Energy Type who is designed to initiate rather than wait for something outside of you to happen (for example, Projectors have to wait for an invitation and Generators have to wait for something to respond to).

2. Innovation

Another of your biggest superpowers as a Manifestor coach is innovation. You’re not here to do things the traditional way. You have these divine downloads, these moments of inspiration, that lead you (and often times, the rest of us) to do things in a different way. You’re here to innovate and help create something brand new and fresh—and therefore help us evolve as a collective.

3. Visionary/Holding the Vision

You are the person who creates and holds the bigger vision. This is obviously a huge strength for yourself and for your business, as you’re visioning and mapping out what you want your dream business to look like and your dream life to look like.

This is also a really powerful gift that you can use with your coaching clients. Not only can you come up with and hold your own vision, but you can help your clients come up with and hold the vision for their dream life, dream business, or whatever it is that you’re coaching them on.

4. Bold Leadership

You were born to lead. I like to think of the Manifestor’s style as a more bold leadership, vs. let’s say, the Projectors who may have a softer, quieter style of leadership. But Manifestor energy is very bold—it’s very impactful, it’s big; people can feel your energy the moment you walk into a room.

Because of your bold energy and leadership, the right people are going to love you and they’re going to want to be in your energy. They’ll want to get behind you, to follow you and support you and work with you. And then there’s some people that won’t vibe with your energy, and that’s okay too. You don’t have to be the right coach for everybody.

5. Independence + Self-Sufficiency

Another of your superpowers as a Manifestor is that you don’t necessarily need other people in order to feel satisfied, content, or fulfilled in life. My daughter Maddie is a Manifestor, and although I wouldn’t say she’s incredibly independent yet (she’s only two and a half) she wants to do as many things on her own as she can. She gets angry when she tries to do something and it doesn’t work and she needs somebody else’s help.

This independence is a huge strength for Manifestors, but it also can be something that introduces challenges into your life and business. The key is to recognize that yes, you don’t “need” anyone else; yes, you are very independent and self sufficient—however, it’s not wrong to ask for help.

It’s not wrong to have people supporting you in your business and life. It’s not wrong to have people come in and help you bring your visions to life. You don’t have to be the person doing it all by yourself all the time. You aren’t. meant to be a lone wolf. You’re meant to be the Alpha wolf leading the pack.

6. You tell it like it is

One thing I really really love about Manifestors (at least, the ones who have shed their conditioning and are living in alignment with their Design) is that they’re often very straight-shooting.

When you’re giving advice to your clients, or when you’re creating a piece of content in your business, you always tell it like it is. You’re not sugarcoating anything. You’re happy to give it to people straight.

Clients or potential clients who really like that in a coach are going to love you. They’re going to love your no-BS content, and they’re going to want to work with you. Because they don’t want the fluff! They don’t want you to coddle them; they want you to say, “Okay, here’s what I see. Here’s what’s not working, and now let’s figure out how to fix that so you can move forward”.

So there you have it! Those are six of your biggest superpowers as a Manifestor coach. You are bold, a visionary, a true leader, a straight-shooter—and the right potential clients are going to LOVE these things about you. Now go out and find them! (Need help attracting dream clients with your marketing? This is for you.)

Here are links to check out the other posts in this coaching superpowers series:

🦉 Your Superpowers as a Projector Coach

🎨 Your Superpowers as a Generator Coach

🧲 Your Superpowers as a Mani-Gen Coach

🪞 Your Superpowers as a Reflector Coach

Learn how to create powerful, impactful, profitable content as a Manifestor coach! 👇

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