Yep, that’s a bold title.
And I wanna start off by saying: This post isn’t about me telling you that certain strategies or platforms are “wrong” for you to use because of your Human Design. Rather, it’s about helping you embrace your natural gifts and energy, and then infusing them into the way you build your coaching business.
Each Human Design Energy Type has a unique aura and a specific purpose they’re here to fulfill within the Collective. Yet we all experience conditioning and the pressure to be, look, and do things in one specific way—hence all the cookie-cutter business strategies that many of us have grown to hate. 😉
If you’re ready to return to your most naturally aligned state while tapping into your innate gifts and energy as a coach and entrepreneur, here are 5 things to STOP doing in your coaching business based on your Human Design Energy Type. 👇

5 Things to STOP Doing in Your Coaching Business
🔥 If you’re a Manifestor…
1️⃣ STOP playing small or dimming your light. You’re here to go BIG. Embrace your bold energy to stand out and effortlessly attract the right people’s attention—the people you’re meant to serve.
2️⃣ STOP trying to fit in with the crowd by acting like everybody else. You’re here to be a leader, not a follower. The only “right” way is your way.
3️⃣ STOP sugar-coating your message; give it to people straight and undiluted. (And if they can’t handle it, they’re not your people!)
4️⃣ STOP taking big action without informing other people first. When others could potentially be affected by your actions, take a minute to tell those people what’s up before you go out and act on your urge or vision.
5️⃣ STOP holding yourself back from what you truly want to and feel called to say. Don’t censor yourself. Your voice is powerful and people need to hear what you have to say and in the unique way that only YOU can say it.
🎨 If you’re a Generator…
1️⃣ STOP doing anything that isn’t a clear “yes!” in your gut. If something feels like a “no”, or even if it’s just not a clear “Yes”, that means it’s not for you. Let it pass and trust that better things are on their way.
2️⃣ STOP trying to please everyone all the time. You don’t have to put other people’s needs above your own. You are here to do the things that feel good and exciting to you.
3️⃣ STOP initiating vs. responding. You don’t need to “start” anything new, you just need to pay attention to your environment and notice what elicits that Yes! response in your gut—and then pursue it.
4️⃣ STOP trying to wear all the hats. Even if you can do something decently well, that doesn’t mean you have to always be the person who does it. Focus on mastery of 1-2 roles/areas of your business that light you up the most, and lean into outsourcing the rest as your business and revenue grow.
5️⃣ STOP giving up when you’re sooo close to the finish line! If the Yes feeling in your gut has dwindled and or you’re feeling energetically drained, it’s not necessarily a sign you should give up. Instead, you may just need to re-energize your Sacral by activating your gut response again. So for example, you may could revisit whatever it was that initially sparked the Yes in your gut (an email, a conversation, a certain person, a question, etc.) to re-stoke that fire and energy.
👑 If you’re a Manifesting Generator…
1️⃣ STOP feeling flaky or non-committal for changing your mind (or letting other people make you feel that way). If the initial Yes in your gut has suddenly become a clear No, listen to that guidance. It’s always safe—and recommended—to change your mind, actions, or decisions based on the guidance of your gut.
2️⃣ STOP forcing yourself to do only one thing at a time. Jumping around behind different tasks and projects is one of your superpowers, and it’s okay to skip steps when it makes sense for you to do so.
3️⃣ STOP putting yourself in a box. You are here to walk an unconventional path and push back against prescribed norms. Create your own unique way of running and building your business, and don’t let anyone tell you differently.
4️⃣ STOP trying to do things the way “everyone else” is doing them. If the only reason you’re doing something is because it’s what everyone else in your industry is currently doing, but it ISN’T a Yes in your gut—trust me, there’s a better way.
5️⃣ STOP spending your time and energy on “shoulds” vs. your true desires. Your magic happens when you pursue the things that light you up, the things that feel like a resounding Yes… not from forcing yourself to do all the other crap that doesn’t excite you.
🦉 If you’re a Projector…
1️⃣ STOP trying to work as much as you see other people working. Projectors are not here to be “doing” all the time. Embrace rest and do it proactively rather than reactively. Build more white space into your schedule. And remember: You don’t need to work as much as other people because you can get the same amount of stuff done as them but in half the time!
2️⃣ STOP giving unsolicited advice. Yes, it’s fine for you share general advice, opinions, and wisdom in your content (on social, your blog or podcast, etc). However, don’t offer it to a specific person or a specific group of people unless they’ve asked you for your advice or opinion. Wait to be invited first.
3️⃣ STOP downplaying your gifts or your zone of genius. Own them!! No one else can do what you do the way that you do it. Yet other people can’t recognize and value what you bring to the table unless you learn to value those things first. That’s step one.
4️⃣ STOP dumbing down your content or message in the hopes that people will “get” it. Your deep wisdom and unique perspectives are valuable just as they are; and you don’t need to alter your expression for anyone else’s sake. (Trust me, the right people WILL understand.)
5️⃣ STOP flying by the seat of your pants. Systems = your specialty. Embrace them! You know how to make business processes more efficient, so use that skillset and set up systems and automations to support you in running and growing your business.
🪞 If you’re a Reflector…
1️⃣ STOP spending time with people who deplete your energy. Being surrounded by the right people is paramount to your success and happiness as a Reflector. Be discerning about who you give your time and energy to.
2️⃣ STOP letting anyone or anything push you to the outside of a group or community. You are meant to be smack-dab right at the heart of the group, always. This is your rightful place, and where you can best work your magic by sampling and reflecting back the energy of the group or community.
3️⃣ STOP making (big!) impulsive or spontaneous decisions. For the small day-to-day decisions, it’s fine to jump right in and simply go with your preference. But when it comes to major life decisions or big moves in your business, don’t decide or commit yourself to a specific path on day one. Spend a few weeks (ideally, one lunar cycle—that’s 29 days!), considering the decision first. Here’s a post where you can learn more about properly using your Lunar Authority as a Reflector.
4️⃣ STOP feeling “wrong” for changing so much from day to day. You’re a cosmic chameleon! And that’s exactly who you were designed to be. Embrace the shifts, transformations, and freshness that are constantly happening for you as the moon moves through its transit, the planets move through their orbits, and you find yourself in new environments surrounded by different people.
5️⃣ STOP staying in any environment that doesn’t make you feel good. “Environment” could mean a city, a neighborhood, your home, the place you work… If you consistently feel tired, stressed, sad, negative, or just not yourself when you’re in that environment, that you’re sign that it’s time for a change.
Time to Make Some Changes!
Ready to shed these 5 unaligned strategies so that your coaching business can feel more fun, flowy, and ease-filled? Go out and make it happen; he only person who gets to decide the way your business is run is YOU. 😉
And if you want more help building your business in alignment with your natural gifts and strengths, you’ll love my free set of creative content prompts for coaches based on your Human Design Energy Type. Click the image below to grab them! ⬇️

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