
Your Biggest Superpowers as a Reflector Coach

Your Superpowers as a Reflector Coach - Soul & Sage

July 20, 2023

Hey! I’m Krista.
Human Design Reader, Harry Potter fan-fic lover, and 4/1 Projector who's obsessed with helping you make your coaching more powerful, personalized, and profitable.
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Hey Reflector coach! 🦄

In this post we’re wrapping up our series on each Energy Type’s superpowers as a coach. And we’re finishing off strong by looking at the Reflector Type today.

Reflectors are the true unicorns of the world as they’re the most rare Energy Type, making up just 1-2% of the population. If you’re a Reflector, here are six of your biggest superpowers as a Reflector coach. ⬇️

Your Biggest Superpowers as a Reflector Coach | Human Design for Coaches with Soul & Sage

Your Superpowers as a Reflector Coach

1. Identifying imbalance, injustice, or inequality

Reflectors are here to point out what needs to be corrected on a larger scale. For example, this could involve highlighting a misalignment, imbalance, or injustice within a community you’re in, in the workplace, or in a specific industry.

You are here to point out where things are going wrong or where they’re not working well, so that those things can be corrected.

Often your role is just to point those things out. You don’t necessarily have to be the person who also explains how to fix whatever is broken, or to do the actual “fixing” work yourself. Your role is to be a mirror, reflecting back where something’s imbalanced, unhealthy, or where there is some kind of injustice occurring—and then you can allow other people to come in and do the necessary work to correct those problems.

2. Mirroring your client’s truth back to them

You are a mirror. That’s why you’re called a Reflector! You reflect your client’s truth back to them.

Reflectors naturally sample other people’s energy—their emotions, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, ideas, identity, fears, even their health and well-being. It’s almost like you’re “tasting” other people’s auras (and therefore, their energy) with your own aura. And then you can reflect those things back to your client.

Specifically, you can help your client see what’s authentic and aligned for them, where they’re going wrong, what they’re doing that’s unhealthy, and where they may need to course correct. And then, of course, you can provide guidance and help them make the changes they need to make.

3. A sense of joy, delight, and wonder

When you’re in alignment with your energy, gifts, and purpose as a Reflector, you experience this beautiful sense of joy, delight, and wonder at the world around you. You love to enjoy all the surprises life has to offer, and are delighted at the variety of experiences available to you.

4. Flexibility + Adaptability

Reflectors are very flexible and adaptable, and this is something you need to understand and embrace about yourself rather than fight against.

As an entrepreneur, you might feel like you’re “inconsistent” because maybe you can’t always show up in your business the same way all the time. But that’s because you’re not meant to!

You’re meant to be flexible and adaptable. You’re like an energetic chameleon, because you change so much from day to day. For example, you change depending on what’s going on with the transit of the planets and the moon, and you change depending on the people around you and the environment you’re in.

Everything is shifting for you all the time. But this is a huge strength because it means you can basically mesh well with just about anyone! You can fit into any situation and get along with anyone because your identity and energy is so flexible and malleable.

One tip I’ll give you here is to learn about the planetary transits. And specifically, how the transits of the planets affect your particular Human Design chart and energy from day to day.

Start with the moon/lunar cycle. Chart how the moon’s transit over its 29-day cycle lights up or activates different parts of your Design, and note what that means for your energy.

Some days you might feel like you have specific Energy Centers activated because of the planetary transits. However, this doesn’t mean you should disregard your Strategy and Authority; these activations are temporary and they never override your birth Design.

5. You are an example of true limitlessness

Because you’re so flexible in every way, you truly can be, do, and have anything. There are no limits to what you can create, experience, and receive in this lifetime.

Reflectors embody and exemplify this sense of limitlessness in a way that inspires the rest of us to reach for our own limitless potential, too. In this way, living in alignment with your Design will also inspire and therefore positively impact your family, friends, clients, and community.

6. Resilience

Your sixth superpower is resilience. This may seem counterintuitive because if you look at a Reflector’s chart, you see that all nine Energy Centers are undefined. And our undefined Energy Centers are where we absorb and amplify energy from people around us, and therefore where we are most susceptible to be conditioned by other people’s energy.

So you would *think* that with nine undefined Centers, Reflectors would take in other people’s energy deeply all the time, and therefore likely be conditioned by it. However, as a Reflector you have what’s called a “resistant” aura that essentially functions like a protective mechanism. In contrast to, for example, a Projector, a Reflector doesn’t sample or draw in other people’s energy very deeply.

I always think of the metaphor of enjoying a little “sampler” plate at a restaurant. You get a sample tray of mini wine glasses or mini beer glasses, or even a sample platter of food. And you likely start by having a little taste of everything— a taste here, a sip there, a small bite over there. Then if you like a certain food, you eat more of it or maybe even order a full plate of it. But if you don’t like it, then you don’t eat any more.

This is essentially what Reflectors do with energy. You have little “tastes” of energy from the people around you. Just small little bites, rather than gorging on the whole meal.

And because you’re only taking in little pieces rather than the whole enchilada, you’re not being heavily conditioned by other people’s energy. You’re very resilient to whatever is thrown your way and extremely resistant to external conditioning, thanks to your protective aura.

And that wraps up this list of six of your biggest superpowers as a Reflector coach! 🌙

If you’re a Reflector, let me know how this all resonated with you down below. And to read the other posts in this superpower series, you can click the links below:

🔥 Manifestor Coach Superpowers

🎨 Generator Coach Superpowers

🦉 Projector Coach Superpowers

🧲 Mani-Gen Coach Superpowers

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I'm Krista Dickson, Human Design Educator and Founder of Soul + Sage

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